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MTI is forward thinking in the development and execution of its projects, training and networking opportunities to benefit the processing industry. Resources and professional development are nurtured through projects, which are initiated and influenced by members. As a component of MTI’s strategic direction, creating solutions and sharing all the knowledge developed with the network of members around the world is vital to the future of the processing industry. Throughout 2023, MTI focused efforts on enhancing membership by providing more than 100 hours of global training and professional development. Our regional Technical Advisory Councils all held ...
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ST. LOUIS, MO. – We are deeply saddened to share news of the sudden passing of Charles (Chuck) Young, a long–time MTI member with Tricor Metals, and an advocate and supporter of MTI. Chuck was a strong, well-respected leader and influencer in MTI and the industry. He attended his first MTI Meeting as a guest in 2010 and was active upon Tricor Metals joining in 2011 and served as the Tricor Designated Representative to MTI. He was an MTI Board of Directors member since 2018, and a member of multiple Board Committees. He was especially passionate about leading the MTI Membership Marketing and Sales subcommittee. He was active in MTI projects and ...
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USING AN ARRAY OF GUIDED WAVE MAGNETOSTRICTIVE TRANSDUCERS Abstract Above ground storage tanks are used to store various fluids and chemicals in many industries. The structural integrity of these tanks must be regularly assessed, but the required inspection operations are hazardous due to the chemicals themselves as well as the requirement to operate within confined spaces. The accepted practice for inspection of these tanks, particularly the tank bottoms, requires removing the tank from service, emptying the tank, and interior entry for direct inspection of the structure. An inspection from outside the tank would have significant cost and time benefits ...
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MTI loves corrosion! Well, not corrosion exactly. But we are passionate about understanding, researching, providing knowledge, and developing solutions for industrial processing issues caused by corrosion and other damage mechanisms. It’s our mission to serve the processing industries by providing global leadership in materials technology to improve safety, sustainability, reliability and profitability. We recognize the problems corrosion causes every day, so today we’re observing World Corrosion Awareness Day . Our global research projects, created and steered by MTI members around the world, especially in the North America, Europe and ...
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In this episode, Kevin Brooks, president of Knight Material Technologies, sits down with co-hosts Heather Allain and Marc Cook to discuss corrosion testing for linings. Tune in as they explore various topics including inspection methods for linings, the use of thermal imaging for inspections, core sampling techniques, equipment cleaning procedures, safe methods for equipment storage, equipment size ranges, chemical expansion of bricks, and considerations for thermal shock and external insulation.
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The Materials Technology Institute is seeking presentations for abrasion/wear and erosion/corrosion challenges in the mineral, metallurgical, chemical processing and refining industries. We don't want you to miss the opportunity to present June 24 in Denver, CO! Topics could include but are not limited to: Panel session on Common Abrasion and Corrosion in the Processing Industries 10-minute flash case studies on abrasion and severe corrosion challenges Innovative materials solutions for Mineral Processing and other severe service environments Recent advances in the development of wear-resistant coatings Ceramics and/or polymers solutions for Mineral ...
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In this episode, Gary Coates from the Nickel Institute sits down with co-hosts Heather Allain and Marc Cook to discuss stainless steels. The three chat about the various series of stainless steel; magnetism as an identification technique; changes in stainless compositions as a function of time; stress corrosion cracking; sustainability in the context of stainless steel; PREN number; material suitability evaluation; temperature limits; and passivation. Click the cover image to listen now:
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TRACK: Sustainability/Reliability Above ground storage tanks are used to store various fluids and chemicals across many industries. The structural integrity of these tanks must be regularly assured, but these inspection operations are hazardous due to the chemicals themselves as well as the requirement to operate within confined spaces. The accepted practice for inspection of these tanks, in particular the tank bottoms, requires removing the tank from service, emptying the tank, and interior entry for direct inspection of the structure. An inspection from outside the tank would have significant cost and time benefits and well as a large reduction in the ...
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TRACK: Emerging Technology This presentation will highlight a rare-earth based process for use in antifouling applications. Rather than a traditional coating, the surface of the alloy is modified with rare earth nanoparticles, yielding a very thin oxidized layer that is integral to the alloy. This treatment has no measurable thickness, does not impose any operating temperature limits, protects from high temperature oxidation, and decreases surface energy and polarity leading to low fouling and coking rates. Successfully treated materials include stainless steels, superalloys, and carbon steel. The process is water-based and nonhazardous and has successfully ...
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TRACK: Non-metallics The publication of "Design, Installation, Maintenance, and Inspection of Metallic Plastic-Lined Pipe," by MTI in 2016 was intended to provide a comprehensive overview of technical aspects and historical developments related to plastic-lined piping. Its primary objective was to positively impact the safety and economy of end users. In the ever-evolving landscape of these products, both historical learning and ongoing innovation contribute to the growth of the knowledge base. Consequently, periodically revisiting subjects becomes imperative to keep the industry well-informed. While the original publication remains highly relevant and ...
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TRACK: Bioprocessing & Corrosion Mechanisms Despite CUI being one of the most prevalent problems in industry, methods for properly managing it are still lacking. There are either too many unnecessary inspections (which wastes money) or not enough (still having failures). New AI-based methods optimize CUI inspections by starting from cause-and-effect diagrams that blend expert knowledge, physics-based principles, and inspection results, properly weighted by one's relative confidence in each. This is a smart approach that learns as it goes. The cost of inspection is accounted for and balanced properly with risk so that the risk reduction due to inspections ...
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TRACK: Non-metallics Polymers and ceramics: MTI places such a high importance on these materials of construction that they have a separate, specific project development committee (PDC) for each of the two materials along with a metals PDC. The ceramics PDC has developed numerous ceramic training courses and covered technical subjects, such inspection techniques. The Polymers PDC has completed projects on topics including permeation, plastic welding, repair manuals and numerous inspection and training programs. One tank lining technology that has been a workhorse in the chemical process industry combines these two materials of construction. It is commonly ...
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TRACK: Emerging Technology Preventing or minimizing fouling within a heat exchanger is paramount to achieving its expected performance functionality. Fouling occurs when tube or plate surfaces are covered by organic or inorganic deposits from the source cooling water. As this chronic condition develops, there are resultant inefficiencies and damage that occur such as diminished heat transfer, pressure drops, MIC and system shut down. These are costly, laborious and energy consumptive for the facility that impact a company Net Zero goals. Many facilities will use tear down and biocides as an acute response to fouling. These methods are used in an emergency ...
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TRACK: Non-metallics The OMV refinery in Schwechat, Austria, operates a wet sulphuric acid plant with a production capacity of about 2.5 - 9.5 t/h. The plant area in which the sulphuric acid is produced by condensation, is subject to high corrosion, in which regular steels and stainless steels would be destroyed quickly. In order to achieve sufficient resistance to this highly aggressive application conditions, a multi-layer structure consisting of four layers was used. However, the structure was chemically attacked and leaking with quite a few years. Due to the apparent down times and the increasing repair costs OMV decided to fundamentally redesign the ...
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TRACK: Sustainability/Reliability First commercial use of pressure hydrometallurgical processes in North America started with the invention by Frank A. Forward and subsequent U.S. Patent 2,576,314 (1948) for Extracting of nickel values from nickeliferous sulfide material, using ammonium carbonate solution, and later implemented by Sherritt Gordon Mines Ltd. at Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada. Acid pressure leaching and sulphide precipitation processes were developed later and implemented at Moa Bay in 1964 for production of mixed (nickel and cobalt) sulphide from laterite ore. The commercial use of pressure hydrometallurgical processes expanded greatly ...
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TRACK: Emerging Technology The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) sets the standard for the safe design and manufacture of boilers and pressure vessels. Every two years this code is revised to keep up with current technology and information available. Some of the changes have little effect on industry while other seemingly small changes can cause a large ripple effect. It is important that all who are involved in working with the ASME BPVC know the current code changes and updates, have an understanding of why the revisions were made, and determine how they will affect their company business. Join us to hear: A brief history of the origins of the ASME ...
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TRACK: Bioprocessing & Corrosion Mechanisms Significant energy is already focused on scaling up molecular recycling technology. MTI's Roundtable in early 2023 demonstrated the interest in this area and highlighted challenges associated with managing feed stream contaminants which affect various areas of molecular recycling process units. Materials & Corrosion Engineers are tasked with identifying damage mechanisms, selecting materials, and developing mechanical integrity strategies for these units. Application of known damage mechanisms from conventional refining, petrochemical, and chemical processing units is a useful starting point. This presentation ...
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TRACK: Sustainability/Reliability Operating Facilities have varied and challenging processes: they require damage resistant materials at low and high operating temperatures. Failures are prevented by using specialized mechanical design and materials. However, substantial corrosion and cracking damage can occur due to many reasons such as unforeseen contaminants, severe service, service condition changes, material characteristics not covered in basic specifications, and effects of long-term service. Vigilant inspections are essential since these demanding processes can develop dangerous leaks and potential explosions. This presentation summarizes case studies ...
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TRACK: Non-metallics The presentation will give an in-depth discussion of welding thermoplastic materials. The presentation will have a short but detailed description of the different methods to weld plastics and will also explain benefits and drawbacks of each method. It will also discuss the most commonly welded plastics in the chemical processing industry, and will discuss the strengths and limitations of welding each material. Finally, the presentation will show how plastic welding is growing and essential for the chemical processing industry, giving examples of industries where plastic welds are common. The hope of this presentation is to inform engineers ...
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TRACK: Bioprocessing & Corrosion Mechanisms This presentation addresses common corrosion degradation mechanisms in pressure hydrometallurgical applications, including general corrosion, pitting corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, crevice corrosion, and intergranular corrosion. It focuses on the effect of halides, presence of secondary phases, and alloying elements on corrosion performance of materials and briefly describes the use and limitations of iso-corrosion curves in estimation of corrosion rates. Assessment of the long-term durability of materials for hydrometallurgical applications often requires exposure and/or accelerated laboratory testing. ...