
Mission & Vision

Our Vision: A global network recognized as the preferred source of material technology solutions for industrial process companies.

Our Mission: MTI maximizes member asset performance by providing global leadership in materials technology for industrial processing companies to improve safety, sustainability, reliability and profitability.

The mission serves as a guiding force to meet the needs of members in key processing industries such as Refining, Mining, Chemical Production, Energy Production, and Semi-Conductor Manufacturing. MTI meets these needs in the following ways: 

Research and Development 
Nonproprietary research and projects are conducted on selection, design, fabrication, testing, inspection and performance of materials used in the process industries. This research is focused on developing valuable new technologies and on transferring both new and existing knowledge to day-to-day practices. 

MTI provides numerous opportunities for members to continue professional development through in-person and online training sessions, MTI books and reports, webinars and seminars. 

Members have the ability to speak with other industry professionals 24/7 on the TAC Forum to capitalize on the expertise of member company representatives. MTI also offers several in-person networking opportunities such as TAC Meetings, Facility Tours, Training Sessions and Seminars. Members use their networking power to exchange information, leverage resources, develop new projects and find answers to crucial industry challenges. 

The power of MTI’s expert network and years of research is used to influence the development and appropriate use of pertinent codes, standards and regulations.

MTI's Member Companies routinely compete with each other in their respective industries, and therefore it is possible that aspects of MTI's activities could raise legal issues under the U.S. Antitrust Laws. Violations could attract civil and criminal penalties, or lawsuits against MTI or Members. MTI's legal counsel has prepared Antitrust Guidelines available on the MTI Website, and these should be reviewed by each Member Representative. ​

Specific concerns include any discussion of prices, market allocations, or product distribution practices, and care should be taken with respect to descriptions or opinions expressed about specific products, companies or standards which could be applied in making purchasing decisions. MTI legal counsel is available to answer questions regarding any area of MTI's operations.

Board of Directors

MTI BOD 2024
Members of the Board of Directors (BOD) function as the keepers of MTI’s strategic objectives. They provide consistent, valuable input, while maintaining the MTI mission. BOD Members serve as non-biased leaders to help make decisions that balance the needs of member companies and representatives with those of the overall organization. Members of the Board of Directors represent the interest of all people serviced by MTI.

BOD Members are nominated; however, those interested in serving on the BOD may submit their name to the nominations committee. Members of the Board of Directors make decisions regarding project financing and authorization, legal concerns and Technical Advisory Committees. They must be able to think into the future on behalf of the organization while keeping personal goals aside.

Visit the MTI Governance Library for Annual Meeting Minutes, Policies/Procedures, By-laws and other governing documents. 

2024 Board of Directors

Debra McCauley (Chair)

Andrew Rentsch (Vice Chair/AmeriTAC Chair/BOD Ex-Officio) 

David Cole (AmeriTAC Vice Chair/BOD Ex-Officio)
TP Cheng (AsiaTAC Chair/BOD Ex-Officio) 

Anette Hansson (EuroTAC Chair/BOD Ex-Officio)
David Barber

Bill Bieber

Webco Industries, Inc.

Dale Heffner
Electro Chemical Engineering & Manufacturing Company

Curtis Huddle

Srini Kesavan 
FMC Corporation 

Meghan Oaks

Maria Jose Landeira Oestergaard

Maurice Wadley

Nina Young
Chevron Phillips Chemical Company



Heather Allain
Executive Director

Byron Keelin
Operations Director

Kirk Richardson
Marketing & Sales Director

Lindsey Skinner
Communications Director

Asger Sturlason
European Associate Director

Paul Liu
Asia Associate Director

Robert Freed
Associate Director

Kevin Ganschow
Associate Director

Dale Keeler
Associate Director

Christine Matthes
Project & Accounting Controller

Daniel Rasmussen
Manager Member Relations

Participation Equals Value

TAC Groups

MTI typically holds 7 Technical Advisory Council (TAC) Meetings per year in locations all over the globe.


There are three TAC Groups: AmeriTAC, AsiaTAC and EuroTAC.

AmeriTAC was formed in 1977 and now meets three times a year in locations across North America. AsiaTAC started in 2008 and served as a sign of MTI’s growth in global leadership in materials technology. Meetings are held twice a year in locations throughout Asia. EuroTAC was established in 2008, and once again showcased MTI efforts in global leadership. Meetings are held twice a year across Europe. 

Designated Reps

icon-leadership.jpgMTI Designated Representatives (DR) serve as the official delegate of their member company. Their role is primarily to represent their company in MTI organizational voting, in matters of dues and as the primary company contact. 

DRs have access to MTI’s robust website, are able to vote for BOD candidates and can encourage other member company employees to utilize crucial resources and participate in MTI activities.

The Designated Representatives of member companies who participate in MTI activities help raise the knowledge base among diverse plant staff and often become the in-house expert, or go-to-person, for materials technology solutions. In addition, the interaction among materials specialists and the leadership opportunities within MTI enhance career development.

TAC Reps

Technical Advisory Council (TAC) Representatives act as an ambassador of their member company at TAC meetings
. They have the ability to vote on projects at TAC Meetings, to monitor projects and are also responsible for distributing MTI information and products to company personnel.


TAC representation is divided into three regional areas (AmeriTAC, EuroTAC and AsiaTAC) corresponding to MTI TAC Meeting locations. Each area is represented by one TAC rep, and up to three individuals may be appointed per company to fill each of the three regional roles.

Project Champions

Champions function as the project leaders of Project Development Committees (PDCs) or Project Teams. Members who fill the role of Champion or Co-Champion identify strategic projects and funding sources, create requests for proposals and oversee projects from start to end. Champions work with the MTI staff project manager to ensure the project maintains high quality standards and adheres to the MTI mission.



In 1977, The Materials Technology Institute was founded to provide like-minded Chemical Processing Industry engineers with crucial research and resources, collaborative opportunities and trusted answers to industry challenges. The founding engineers met at the 1976 NACE Conference in Toronto, Ontario and realized that if they pooled their collected resources and brainpower, they could significantly increase their abilities to leverage funding for research. Founders Bob Puyear and Bert Krisher of Monsanto, Paul Dillon and George Elder of Union Carbide and Warren Pollock of DuPont shared the vision of a collaborative network of industry experts and major companies working to solve major CPI issues.
The first Membership Meeting was held on February 23, 1977. Organization structures such as the Board of Representatives (BOD) were then developed with intent of bringing together representatives from member companies to approve funding for research projects, technical programs and technology development. The projects in particular became a key value for MTI members, allowing them to achieve high return on investments by finding new answers to challenges they could not solve on their own. 

Now, MTI and its member companies around the world continue to provide global leadership in materials technology research and solutions. MTI has compiled over four decades of not-for-profit research, resources and collaborative efforts, and continues to foster lasting partnerships with its member companies.