
Advancement and Challenges in Plastic-lined Metallic Pipe

By MTI Admin posted 02-22-2024 03:18 PM

TRACK: Non-metallics

The publication of "Design, Installation, Maintenance, and Inspection of Metallic Plastic-Lined Pipe," by MTI in 2016 was intended to provide a comprehensive overview of technical aspects and historical developments related to plastic-lined piping. Its primary objective was to positively impact the safety and economy of end users. In the ever-evolving landscape of these products, both historical learning and ongoing innovation contribute to the growth of the knowledge base. Consequently, periodically revisiting subjects becomes imperative to keep the industry well-informed.

While the original publication remains highly relevant and accurate, recent advancements in the market necessitate an update to address new innovations and insights. Notable among these developments are emerging technologies that enhance the capabilities and value of plastic-lined metals, including rotational lining, flange reduction technology, and applications in high-pressure environments.

The rapid evolution of plastic technologies, in contrast to more established counterparts like steel manufacturing, underscores the need for continuous exploration and discussion. This update focuses on two key aspects. Firstly, the relationship between PFAS and fluorinated plastics, examining their connection to other fluorine-based substances. Secondly, it scrutinizes the risks associated with electrostatic discharge beyond normal processing conditions and campaigns. Finally, a look at two recent field failures aims to provide insights into the durability and reliability of these materials in real-world applications.


MTI Global Solutions Symposium 2024
February 26-29
Baton Rouge, LA

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