
Managing Corrosion Under Insulation Using AI

By MTI Admin posted 02-21-2024 02:27 PM

TRACK: Bioprocessing & Corrosion Mechanisms

Despite CUI being one of the most prevalent problems in industry, methods for properly managing it are still lacking. There are either too many unnecessary inspections (which wastes money) or not enough (still having failures). New AI-based methods optimize CUI inspections by starting from cause-and-effect diagrams that blend expert knowledge, physics-based principles, and inspection results, properly weighted by one's relative confidence in each. This is a smart approach that learns as it goes. The cost of inspection is accounted for and balanced properly with risk so that the risk reduction due to inspections outweighs their cost - the only way they are worth it. This is of interest to inspectors as well as managers who want to optimize their inspection budgets.

