Member Benefits

Since 1977, MTI and its members have pooled together time and expertise to create a wealth of critical industry information. In addition to the primary benefit of projects, becoming a member gives your company access to decades of research, instant access to industry experts, and recent reports and findings that can be applied to some of today’s most pressing processing industry challenges.

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Technical Forum

The MTI Forum serves as a one-stop shop for immediate expert analysis. It is largely looked upon as one of the most essential member benefits. Our engaged community offers rapid and reliable solutions to crucial questions in real-time. Tapping into some of the greatest minds in the world in their respective niches gives your company the unique opportunity to connect with the processing industries’ best. Decades of Forum discussions are also archived and available to search within the Forum, allowing members access to more than 40 years of critical information. 

You have an immediate issue, you post a forum question and literally – within minutes or at most hours – responses start streaming in. You can do that at noon one day and have a very authoritative collection of comments and answers by the following afternoon.

– Ed Naylor, Nouryon


The ability to reach more than 1800 experts on a wide range of technical subjects and to quickly receive trusted information is often looked upon as a primary member benefit. MTI’s community-based website is equipped with the technical Forum, project team communities, online Mentor Match program and a searchable MTI directory, which allows access to a global network of knowledgeable materials technologists and facilitates rapid communication. Among our ranks are some of the world’s foremost leaders in the realm of materials science as it applies to the process industries.


The MTI website and Technical Resource Library include extensive, dependable knowledge in the form of books, technical bulletins, reports, presentations, training modules, webinars on-demand and recorded training videos. The expanding archive of technical information is included with MTI membership. Books are made available to members 18 months before the general public in both the technical library and member bookstore, keeping members up-to-date and ahead of the curve. The vast MTI Library also has comprehensive search capabilities, giving members quick access to topics such as corrosion, materials selection, polymers, sustainability, fitness for service, inspection, and much more!

Professional Development

Beyond our numerous online community benefits, MTI provides ample opportunities for members to network and engage in virtual and face-to-face events geared toward finding solutions to today’s industry challenges. Thousands of knowledgeable members and subject matter experts have attended our niche roundtables, global TAC meetings, educational training sessions and webinars, seminars and facility tours. These professional development solutions are often custom designed for members and focused on specific industry challenges and topics. See the upcoming events list below to join us for our next offering!

Upcoming Events List