Inspection Basics for 2024 Inspection Summit (401)

status of proposal to API for training 

06-06-2023 10:27 AM

12 May the following was submitted to API for consideration (original email copy attached):


Below find the abstract/outline submitted for the proposed training options for the API Inspection Summit – the abstract word limit outlined in the API notice is limited and I assume primarily for the summit presentations not necessarily the training sessions – so, I took the liberty of providing detail on the proposed training and the two options mentioned. See below:

Since late 2016 MTI has conducted FRP and FRP & Dual Laminate Inspection training sessions - the topics have covered from beginning to end; material selection, design, fabrication, inspection, installation, fitness for service, testing, etc.. The sessions have run from two eight hour days to four eight hour days.

What MTI is proposing for the API inspection summit are two options; a four hour overview training covering the bare minimum for inspection OR an eight hour overview training building on the four hour and providing more in depth topics as described below. All of this proposed training leverages content from the previous MTI training sessions.


4 hour FRP Inspection Training - Introductory

This training will provide an overview of basic inspection techniques to inspect new and in service FRP equipment. Topics covered;

·         why inspect - to ensure high quality (get money's worth), verify proper construction, catch oversights, errors, omissions, flaws and avoid future problems. Overview of tools needed for proper inspection. Importance of complete scope documents, Pre Inspection Meeting (PIM),  Inspection and Test Plan (ITP), personnel qualifications.

·         inspection basics - review of fabrication drawings, previous inspection and repair reports, what to look for and where, development of an inspection check list, tools used for inspection pros and cons. Reporting of findings with recommendations of continue use, repair, replace.

·         visual inspection - what does damage look like? How did the damage occur

·         destructive testing - what destructive testing can be performed on FRP, why perform destructive testing, what does destructive testing reveal.


8 hour FRP Inspection Training - Introductory extended

·         Materials of construction - resins, reinforcements, corrosion barrier, etc. are reviewed

·         Why inspect - see four hour session

·         Inspection basics - see four hour session

·         Visual inspection Part 1 - what causes damage and why, what do the various damage mechanisms look like

·         Visual inspection Part 2 - see four session

·         Destructive testing - see four hour session

·         Evaluation of in service equipment - covers thermoplastic lined FRP along with solid FRP - continue use, repair, replace

·         Repair and alteration - when repair or alteration is identified how is it done.



Trainer Bio:

Dale L. Keeler

Registered Professional Engineer in Michigan

Graduate of Michigan State University BSME

1974 to 2004 Fabricator of FRP and Dual Laminate Equipment as Director of Engineering

2005 to 2021 SME for Dow Chemical as global FRP & Thermoplastics team leader

2021 to present Associate Director with Materials Technology Institute (MTI)

1987 to 2022 work with various ASME, NBIC, and AWS committees and sub committees

If API prefers me to submit in a shorter format, please advise.

I have copied the members of the MTI project team in case they have any additional comments.

If you have any questions, please contact me directly.

shortly after submission the deadline was extended to 05 June - as of this post i have not heard from API of their acceptance - i have drafted a PFS and Funding Request for TAC 141 based on information on hand as of this post. the information will be updated once i have a response from API

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